For the price of Rs 26,999, the phone doesn't have the best cameras. Xiaomi needs to work the cameras.
It has 64MP+8MP+2MP rear camera and 16MP front camera.
Still, the cameras needs improvement, so don't buy this phone, if you wanted the best cameras.
It has MediaTek Dimensity 920 SoC which is not the best SoC at 27k price tag because we already have phones with MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC .
In short, Xiaomi is charging extra money for nothing, if they have provided MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC then it would have been good option at 27k.
Display Quality
Do doubt about the display, it has good 120Hz AMOLED display, so no issue.
It also has stereo speaker and even 7 5G bands, so there won't be any issue with network too.
Overall, the Xiaomi 11i 5G is overpriced smartphone because we already phone phone like RealMe GT ME , RealMe GT Neo 2 and many more with better specs.
Xiaomi has launched this phone under the Xiaomi brand and that's the reason, they're charging extra money.
If this phone was launched Under Redmi branding then it would have been launched at around 20k.
Again, if you're confused then do read my Xiaomi 11i 5G review and then decide, whether you wanted to buy or not?