Instagram added Reals Download Option

Earlier we use to download the Instagram Reals from third party websites and those website were making money from ads.

Now, that won't happen because Instagram just killed that website with one button.

The reel Download button is still rolling out, so if you didn't see it in the app then wait, you will get it soon.

How To Download Instagram Reels?

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone, and start browsing Reels or open the Reels video you want to download.  2. Click on the Share button.

3. On the pop-up, select the Download button.  4. The Reels video will be downloaded to your phone now. 

The Reals video will be downloaded into the camera folder.

There you go, no, you don't have to use any third party apps or website to download the Reals on your smartphone.